Results for 'kaox mguah sang'Results for 'kaox mguah sang'

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kaox mguah sang / khaox guah sang: / khaox guah sang /kʰauʔ guah saŋ/  n. <kaox,saex>   / <khaox,saux>   ဆေးဖက်ဝင်အပင်တစ်မျိုး 象耳朵树,椴叶叨里木 xiàng'ěrduoshù, duànyèdāolǐmù lindenleaf torricellia (Torricellia tiliaefolia,​T. angulata, a shrub or tree,​​ alcohol infused with the roots or bark used to treat injuries).   daex mguah sang ②, bai bug ② [syn.] / taux guah sang: ②, pai: puk ②.

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